Summer Heros
Summer Heroes
Recognizing Custodians for Making Our Schools Shine Ready as the New Academic Year Dawns

Maximizing Moments
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This is a great morale boost for our custodians and a reminder that school is starting soon. Typically, this type of post will generate a decent amount of support from the community.
Image Suggestion
Take a picture of your hardworking custodians or buildings and grounds crews getting ready for the new school year – cleaning, summer projects, etc. Post a few of those photos on your social media pages. post something with a simple caption.
Text Prompt
We’re grateful for our hardworking custodians! They’re waxing floors, moving furniture, and cleaning every nook and cranny to ensure our buildings are sparkling when staff and students return! We’re excited to welcome students back in just [XX] weeks! #PreparationPoweredBySDPublicSchools